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The liquid contained in e-cigarettes will release aerosols into the air after heating, and the harmful substances in them can damage the respiratory system including the lungs. (iStock image)

Lianhe Zaobao (28 June 2022)

The harms of smoking are well known, but in Singapore, where e-cigarettes are completely banned, cases of illegal sales, purchases and use of e-cigarettes are on the rise. There were 7,593 cases last year, compared with 1,565 in 2017, almost five times as many as five years ago. Because the smoking method of e-cigarettes is different from that of traditional tobacco, many people mistakenly believe that e-cigarettes are less harmful than traditional tobacco. Local medical experts hope to correct people's misconceptions and reveal the true face of e-cigarettes that are harmful to health.

Hazardous substances under the "sugar coating"

The operation method of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes, also known as "vapes") is to heat the "electronic liquid" containing nicotine (nicotine) and flavoring agents with metal coils through batteries, and generate gas after atomization, so that Vapers inhale gas into their lungs like smoking a cigarette.

Lin Yijing, a pharmacist at Tan Tock Seng Hospital, said that because e-cigarettes have various flavors like desserts or drinks, smokers are easily attracted, but they don’t know how to add them.
Hot, scented "sugar-coated" ingredients can produce many harmful chemicals.

A 2021 study revealed that e-cigarette makers failed to disclose thousands of unknown chemicals in e-liquids and the resulting gas. "Among known chemicals, the researchers identified industrial chemicals and pesticides in the mix," Lin said. "This shows that vapers are likely to be exposed to a variety of chemicals with adverse effects, and this risk may be higher than currently What people know is even higher."

Lin Han, a pharmacist at Tan Tock Seng Hospital, added: "The main ingredient of both electronic cigarettes and traditional cigarettes is nicotine. This highly addictive substance can cause people's desire to smoke, and if this desire is ignored, it will lead to withdrawal symptoms. Both types of smoking The methods also contain carcinogenic heavy metals.”

林涵进一步说,传统香 烟的金属含量可能与制造过程或烟草来源有关;电子烟的金属含量可来自设备本身的加热线圈。一般烟草香烟含有7000种化学 物质,而电子烟在液体溶液中则含有至少100种化学物质,但在加热过程中可产生更多新的化学物质。尽管电子烟产生的化学物质可能相对较少,但当中仍有许多物质是人们未知的。电子烟释放的几乎所有已知化学物质都具有潜在有害化合物的成分,对烟客和身边的人都可能构成健康风险。



郭汉辉医生说,吸烟或前烟客和高血压患者,发生主动脉瘤的风险会提高。如果家中患有主动脉瘤的第一级亲属(指父母和 兄弟姐妹),也会增加患此病的风险概率,医生建议这些群体接受相关检测。

在全球范围内,短期并发症如急性肺部炎症已有报道。他解释:“这是一种急性呼吸系统疾病,表现为咳 嗽、呼吸困难和缺氧。这些症状被认为是由电子烟液体中使用的各种成分所引起的。另外,近期也有纵向研究显示,使用电子烟是慢性阻塞性肺疾病、哮喘等慢性肺病的独立风险因素。”

乔纳森医生说,多数电子烟 客通常不会出现急性呼吸道症 状,这和多数传统吸烟者相似。 然而已患有哮喘和慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)等肺部疾病的患者中,使用电子烟可能会引发或加重症状如咳嗽、呼吸困难、胸闷和喘鸣(wheezing)。

林依静补充,一些电子烟客或有轻微症状,如呼吸急促、咳嗽和喉咙痛,并误认为是流感。美国疾病控制和预防中心已确定电子烟中称为维生素E醋酸酯(vitamin E acetate)的成分与电子烟使用相关的肺损 伤“EVALI”(e-cigarette or vaping, product use-associated lung injury)密切相关,这常用于提高电子溶液的一致性,加热与吸入体内的维生素E醋酸酯可能干扰正常的肺功能。多达96%发生EVALI的病患须住院,而有些甚至得靠生命维持机器协助呼吸。截至2020年2月,美国疾病控制与预防中心记录了超过 2800人因EVALI住院,以及68人死亡。

As a smoking cessation aid? Not approved by international agencies


In addition, adolescent brains tend to be more sensitive to the effects of nicotine and can lead to a greater risk of nicotine dependence. The pleasurable effects of vaping may also lead teens to experiment with other substances.

Lin Han pointed out that the World Health Organization and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have not approved e-cigarettes as a legal smoking cessation aid because there is a lack of scientific proof of their long-term safety and effectiveness in smoking cessation. Studies have shown that vaping can prolong or increase addiction to nicotine, preventing some people from quitting. In addition, the content of e-cigarette liquids is not regulated and often not accurately labeled. If used for smoking cessation, harmful chemicals may cause more harm.

Lin Han emphasized: "E-cigarettes are currently banned in more than 30 countries around the world, including Singapore. It is recommended that quitters seek professional help from a pharmacist or doctor in advance, rather than directly switching to e-cigarettes."

Dr Jonathan added that studies comparing the use of e-cigarettes to other smoking cessation aids such as nicotine gum and patches have shown that in the absence of behavioral support for quitting smoking, e-cigarette use alone is unlikely to lead to any meaningful long-term cessation .

Dr Liu Zhenguang, Specialist Consultant, National Addiction Treatment Service, Faculty of Mental Health, warns: "E-cigarettes may contain nicotine in higher concentrations than cigarettes. Nicotine is a highly addictive chemical that has been shown to be harmful to the developing adolescent brain , predisposing to cognitive impairment, such as concentration and memory problems, and possible later behavioral and emotional problems, such as depression and anxiety.

Lin Yijing said that the survey shows that the use of e-cigarettes can cause a "gateway effect" (gateway effect), causing e-cigarette users to continue to try other tobacco products, and non-smoking youths who have tried e-cigarettes are more likely to smoke than non-smoking peers. Conventional cigarettes were two to three times more likely.

In addition, the general behavior of e-smokers is to use e-cigarettes as a supplement to traditional cigarettes, not a substitute. This means that many people end up being dual users, exposed to the health hazards of two tobacco products at the same time. In the United States, nearly 70% of adult e-cigarette smokers use both e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes.

E-cigarette inhalation of nicotine or more

Dr. Liu Zhenguang said that people who are addicted to nicotine should smoke electronic cigarettes regularly to maintain the nicotine concentration in the body. Stopping use can lead to nicotine withdrawal symptoms, including physical discomfort such as fatigue and difficulty concentrating. He explained: "Such symptoms are similar to the addiction of smoking traditional cigarettes, and may occur faster when the nicotine concentration of e-cigarettes is higher."

林涵说,虽然迄今没有研究表明电子烟比香烟更易上瘾,但 两者都含有尼古丁。事实上,电子烟可含有不同剂量的尼古丁, 而它们不受监管也没行业标准。 若电子液体盒中尼古丁的浓度和 纯度高时,就算吸入次数与传统 香烟相同,电子烟客所吸入的尼古丁可能更多。此外,电子烟不像香烟易燃尽,因此电子烟客往往会摄入更多尼古丁,最安全的方法是不要碰这两种烟草品。

刘镇光医生说,成瘾活动或行为的强度和频率会随着时间增加,以获得同等程度的满足。若对成瘾活动失去控制,以致个人、职业和社会功能受到影响, 应寻求专业援助。


拨开云雾 解答迷思

针对电子烟气体比传统烟草产生的烟雾更安全的错误观 念,乔纳森医生引述刊登在2018年《欧洲呼吸杂志》的研究指出:“以啮齿动物接触电子烟的气体与触烟草烟雾的比较结果显示,无论接触哪一项都对肺组织和血管损造成相同程度的损害。”





电子烟不仅会对健康造成严重危害,还会对环境造成很大威害。电子烟的配件如烟盒是用不可生物降解的材料制成,因此最终会分解成污染环境的微塑料。另外,来自电池和加热配件的重金属会污染环境,而产生的气溶胶也会造成空气污染。 处理电子垃圾的成本还会更高,因为在回收前须先经过一轮处理步骤。


林依静说,由于烟草中的 尼古丁极易上瘾,烟客要停止吸烟可能会出现戒断症状。这些症状往往在首三天达到高峰 期,并会在一个月内消退,然 而也有些人可能持续出现好几个月的症状。

要减少吸烟欲望,应了解吸烟诱因,避免可能对吸烟产生联想到的常见情况和活动, 可时时提醒自己戒烟原因,让渴望随着时间消散。两名药剂师也谈及常见戒断症状,提供处理建议:


随着戒烟,香烟对神经递 质如血清素和多巴胺的减少会暂时引发食欲增加,但这现象 非永久,一旦身体习惯戒掉尼 古丁,对食欲的影响就会消失。

  • 建议选择较健康的零食,如水果、酸奶和无糖糖果解馋。
  • 出外时可随身携带水壶,在需要时多喝水。
  • 增加热量摄取的期间也注意 以运动消耗额外热量。

吸烟会减缓肺部细小毛发 将粘液排出体外的活动率。当烟客停止吸烟时,这些毛发会变得活跃,积极清除身体里的 粘液。因此戒烟者要意识到咳嗽或许是身体开始康复的信号。
  • 多喝水保持体内水分充足。
  • 喉咙不适时,含喉糖或喝蜂蜜水或有帮助。
  • 咳出血或感觉呼吸气促或有喘鸣时, 须咨询医生。

感觉烦躁不安、压力大 或难以入眠

情绪变化是常见的早期尼古丁戒断症状,但应 提醒自己这是暂时的。

  • 限制白天小睡的时间,参加让自己感觉愉悦的体育活动。
  • 可尝试放松技巧,如深呼吸、听音乐或洗热水澡。
  • 午后应避免喝含咖啡因的饮料,因戒烟 后咖啡因会在体内停留更长的时间。




  • 戒瘾援助热线All Addictions Helpline:67326837
  • 国立成瘾治疗服务网站
  • HPB QuitLine: 1800-438-2000
  • More resources and information are also available at:

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